It was our lunch break where im so disturbed, stressed out and very exhausted and tryna find a way to divert my attention into sumthin that wd make me feel satisfied and probably forget the problems i am into, in that very moment i am with one of my closest friends which i often call him as my “bhe2 ko”. Im tryna ask for a comfort from him and maybe he can give me some words of advise on what are the possible interventions that im gonna do with my problems. He was a very gud adviser though he makes jokes within our conversations, but i can internalized his advises. In that moment, i still have these WORRIED expression in my face but i didnt allow other people to sense of what im feeling that time.
As i am listening to my favorite rock song in my ipod , i heard that someone called my name saying , “PINK”. I couldnt recognize that voice coz its a little bit unfamiliar and somehow familiar lol.. I then realize that i just cant recognize it because ever since that person didnt even talk to me coz were not that close and it was our first time to be in one section , so i was shocked to hear him calling my name , as if were very close as he call my name that time, it was a very sweet and calm voice from my beloved crush and that was our FIRST TALK ever, he asked me about why am i absent yesterday because our clinical instructor was looking at me, i didnt mind the question that he asked me coz i was very amazed with his charming and angelic face (this is how i describe it).
For me then , this day is a very exhausting day ever but i suddenly realized that only his warm voice let me forgot the exhaustion that i felt this day and i know that sometimes its psychological but i tell you it works alot! .PROVEN!! Til next time
the picture above is my beh2 ko , sadly i dun have a photo of my crush lol maybe next tym i will have it on hand :))
the picture above is my beh2 ko , sadly i dun have a photo of my crush lol maybe next tym i will have it on hand :))