Sunday, April 24, 2011

healing the cut :(

In life we get to be busy all the time. We tend to have alot of things to do and alot of things to finish sometimes we forget to pause for an hour to ask the following questions to ourselves. How am i? Am i enjoying what im doing? Am i allowing myself to rest? to have a break? To kick other people's ass off just to make my self satisfied of my hard works? Sometimes its very therapeutic to ask yourself these questions. Simple yet helpful.

How am i by the way? Most common asnwers would be, "Im fine" or maybe "Im okay". Even i would answer the same thing. But hey! Im referring on how deeply I am okay with my life right now. Okay! Im NOT fine and NOT okay yet because I think Im exhausing myself too much from the things that made me so busy. For I saw myself suffering from the things that I let myself happen. For I see the people not okay too when I check on them. One time I was sitting on the seashore looking at those vendors who really have nothing to count on as their way of living were a box of fake jewelry and other "kikay" stuffs. Im not so sure if they would answer either a YES or a NO in my second question which was, "Am i enjoying what Im doing?" or "Are they enjoying what they are doing?" I wanted to ask them after I ate my lunch but Im afraid maybe tears would fall from my eyes when I hear their answers. Im not so sure if they have an income at the end of the day or if they take a break during lunch time. Lately, when i checked on the jewelry vendor, my family gave him a lunch to eat which made me very happy and satisfied for I feel like Im enjoying myself looking at my family giving and sharing the blessings that we have.

As i wrote this, Im wondering if I allow and if Im doing the third and last question. Wondering if I am having a very relaxing break this easter week? If am i kicking an ass off just to make me satisfied with my hard works? My answer would be a big YES! Sitting here behind the seashore is very relaxing. It heals the wound that I am trying to fix. As of now the problem keeps on opening the artery of my heart which is so hard to suture. Im sitting here for a purpose, a purpose to make this post as a way of expressing what im feeling right now. I wanted to kick an ass off just to make me satisfied but now I can't, that is why I am trying to write it so that the cut would be minimize and would not leak anymore if someday someone will volunteer to suture and help me fix the cut that im forcing to heal right now.

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