Thursday, March 3, 2011


i wanna look at the sunset while sitting in the seashore
waiting for someone who could possibly sit with me
and spend time witnessing the sundown
leaving the afternoon memories and diverting it to
an evening full of destined happenings

destined for i dunno what will happen
destined for nobody knows it
destined for no one can predict it
destined for no one can pull me back when i go to it

i wanna spend time with someone sitting in the seashore
until it rains, until he wont notice that i'm crying
i just want him to be with me
for i want to assure myself that someone will catch me
and someone i can lean my head off to his shoulder

i wanna spend time swimming in the sea
searching for nothing, playing with the sea water
who's striking me like they hate me
and here i am protecting myself from being hit by the waves

i wanna explore underwater
for i wanna know what's behind it
i wanna find a place for me to hide for,
for me to be isolated to anyone
and for me to be sure that
the SOMEONE i've been sitting in the seashore lately
would realize that im gone and that maybe he would neither
save me from the strangers inside the seashore
nor leave me like imma hella total stranger..

i made this from 11:55pm until 12:04 am and i think that was about 9 minutes..
i dunno y i made this whole thing, i mean , oryt i feel depressed maybe ? (sorta depressed)
and i need someone to talk to , and yeah! here we go .. im talking to my bestfriend blog ..
so maybe im a lil bit relieved after i cried --
yea. til here adios!

PS: i dunno what will be the title of this but mybe it could BE JUST an "UNTITLED" one.

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